CONCEPTUALISATIONS OF wheelchair using children about their health and quality of life compared with generic measures of utility: A Qualitative health economics study

Nathan Bray1,2, Jane Noyes2, Rhiannon Tudor Edwards1, Nigel Harris3

1Centre for Health Economics and Medicines Evaluation, Bangor University, 2Centre for Health-Related Research, Bangor University, 3DesignAbility, Bath Institute of Medical Engineering


Wheelchairs for disabled children (≤18 years) can provide health, developmental and social benefits, however at present there is little relevant cost-effectiveness evidence to guide wheelchair service provision. This study presents a qualitative exploration of how relevant generic health related quality of life outcome measures are for disabled children, for the purpose of wheelchair intervention economic analyses. The results show that the EQ-5D-Y and HUI measures lack relevance for children with mobility impairments. Child-specific measures or the capability approach may be more suited in this population.


The authors would like to acknowledge the work of Emma Bray for aiding in the transcription of audio files and Nina Evans, Carol McCudden, Amanda Hopkin and Fiona McNaught for helping to recruit participants to the study. The study was funded as part of a NISCHR PhD studentship and sponsored by Bangor University.

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