Sarah Bulloch, OTS-21, Hongwu Wang, PhD.1, Cyndy Robinson, OTD1
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences1 College of Allied Health, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Stroke is currently the leading cause of disability in the United States. After a stroke, 16% of individuals will live in a long-term care facility, 20% will require an assistive walking device, and 71% will be vocationally impaired. This happens because of the complexity of a stroke leading to complexity in the rehabilitation process. There is very little standardization of rehabilitation, and therefore clinicians and researchers are always working to better understand interventions that will best serve their patients and help them reach the greatest level of independence.
One intervention that has become increasingly studied in the last 10 years, is focal muscle vibration (FMV). The use of vibration as a therapeutic intervention dates back to the 1800s when vibration was used to relieve pain of patients with Parkinson’s. Since then, it has been used as an intervention for a variety of neurological diagnoses, but it’s mechanisms and protocol are not highly understood. Understanding the experimental protocols and establishing which outcome measures are commonly used in FMV studies in stroke rehabilitation may help improve consensus among researchers and clinicians.
The purpose of this study is to examine the experimental protocols and identify the commonly used outcome measures in FMV based intervention studies after stroke.
26 studies met all inclusion criteria, 11 were excluded. Of the 15 included, 3 studies looked at the effects of focal vibration on the lower extremity, and 12 looked at the effects of focal vibration on the upper extremity. Table 2 gives a brief overview of the search results (page 4).
Protocol for application of focal vibration varied widely (see table 3). Frequency ranged from 60-300Hz. Amplitude was reported as “low amplitude” in 5 studies. 9 studies reported the amplitude numerically, with a range of .4mm-2mm. 1 study reported the amplitude as 10m, which cannot be converted for comparison. Duration of application varied from 5 minutes to 60 minutes.
Study # | Freq. (hz) | Amp (mm) | Duration (minutes) | # of sessions |
1 | 60 | low* | 5 | 1 |
2 | 70 | low* | 30 | 1 |
3 | 100 | 0.2-0.5 | 10 | 9 |
4 | 100 | low* | 10 | 9 |
5 | 91 | 1.0 | 5 | 1 |
6 | 100 | 2.0 | 30 | 10 |
7 | 120 | 0.01 | 30 | 10 |
8 | 91 | 1.0 | 30 | 12 |
9 | 80 | low* | 60 | 40 |
10 | 100 | low* | 10 | 12 |
11 | 300 | 2.0 | 30 | 12 |
12 | 70 | 10m* | 30 | 6 |
13 | 120 | low* | 30 | 48 |
14 | 90 | .015 | 30 | 30 |
15 | 90 | 0.4 | 0.58 | nr |
*= did not report amplitude in mm |
For outcome measures, there were 21 different outcome measures used across the 15 studies. The most commonly used outcome measure is the Modified Ashworth Scale, which was used in 7 studies. Table 4 (at right) shows all outcome measures and how commonly they were used across studies.
BBT=box and block test; BW%= body weight shift percent; CCI=co-contraction index; EG= experimental group; EG1=experimental group 1; EG2=experimental group 2; EG3= experimental group 3; EMG= electromyography; FIM= Functional Independence Measure; FMA=Fugl-Meyer Assessment; FMA-UE=Fugl-Meyer Assessment Upper Extremity; FMV=focal muscle vibration; GS=grip strength; HGST=hand grip strength test; HMR=Hmax/Mmax ratio; JTT=Jebsen Taylor Hand function Test; MAS=Modified Ashworth Scale; MI=motricity index; MR=modulation ration; MVC=maximal voluntary isometric contraction; NR= not reported; RMP= progressive modular rebalancing; SICI= short-interval intracortical inhibition; SCI= Science Citation Index; TMS=transcranial magnetic stimulation; VAS= visual analog scale; VNRS=verbal number rating scale; WMFT=Wolf Motor Function Test
Study | Participants (n) | Ages (years) | Onset (months) | Outcome Measures | Intervention Strategy |
1 | n=10 | 57±13 | 89±117 | BBTa | EG1: FMV EG2: TMS |
2 | n=10 | EG:45-63 | EG:>12 | FMAa, EMGa | EG: FMV |
3 | n=30 | EG:63.6±7.6 | EG:39.9±28.8 | MASa, WMFTa, SICIa, MIa | EG: FMV+PT CG: PT only |
4 | n=49 | EG:57.42±12.79 | EG:100.71±82.79 | WMFT, VAS, MAS | EG: FMV CG: placebo |
5 | n=36 | RG:27-83 | EG1: 2-35 EG2:2-73 EG3: 2-39 |
MASc | EG1: Rest EG2: Stretch EG3: FMV |
6 | n=30 | EG: 64.7±5.4 CG: 65.1±5.8 |
no reported | MASa, task, time,a, traject |
7 | n=22 | EG:60.3±15.3 CG:60.7±13.2 |
EG:15.5±14.9 CG:13.0±5.0 |
CCIa,b, MRa, MVCa |
EG: exercises+FMV CG: Exercise |
8 | n=10 | EG:62.0±9.0 CG:59±10.1 |
EG:11.0±4.3 CG: 9.2±1.9 |
BBTa,b, GS, Sensory |
EG: FMV only CG: PT only |
9 | n=20 | EG: 66±5 CG: 67±4 |
EG:5±2 CG:6±2 |
EG: Armeo-Power +FMV CG: Armeo-Power |
10 | n=nr | EG1: 31-69 EG2: 30-57 EG3: 2-7 |
EG1: 2-33 EG2: 2-4 EG3: 2-7 |
WMFTa,b MASa,b,c MIa,b, VASa,b |
EG1: FMV+RMP EG2: FMV+physiotherapy EG3: physiotherapy |
11 | n=32 | EG:62.59±15.50 CG:60.47±16.09 |
EGL 2-33 | HGSTa, MAS FIMa, VNRSa quickDASHa FMA-UEa, JTTa |
EG: FMV CG: sham FMV |
12 | n=10 | EG:62.6±8.6 | EG:21.6±18 | BBTa, GSa Sensory |
13 | n=44 | EG:60.3±15.3 CG:60.7±13.2 |
EG:15.5±14.9 CG:13.0±5.0 |
Toe-off(%)a Cadence Step Length Stride Lengtha Step Width Swing Velocity Gait Speeda |
EG: FMV+PT CG: PT only |
14 | n=32 | EG:53.31±8.37 CG:55.73±8.27 |
EG:56.94±25.73 CG:49.93±29.97 |
Postural sway Cadencea Gait Speeda P-step lengtha P single limb supporta |
EG: FMV + exercise CG: exercise |
15 | n=80 | EG: 54.7±10.6 CG:54.7±10.5 |
EG:2.0±1.3 CG: nr |
BW%a | EG: FMV (stroke) CG: FMV (healthy) |
astatistically significant change first group listed bstatistically significant change in second group listed cstatistically significant change in third group listed |
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