Adriana N. Klein1, Roseli de Deus Lopes1,2
1 Department of Electronic Systems Engineering - Polytechnic School at University of São Paulo
2Interdisciplinary Center in Interactive Technologies from University of São Paulo
The purpose of this study was to investigate the processes involved in the prescription of Seating in Brazil and to propose an architecture for electronic platform to support the prescription of Seating.
This was a investigative, exploratory and descriptive study. We have collected information from fourteen Brazilian rehabilitation centers (public and private) that carry out the seating prescription procedure for elaboration of an electronic system or app for seating prescription. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Board of the Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo. Informed written consent was obtained from all participants.
Were interviewed fourteen rehabilitation professionals (physiotherapists, occupational therapists and physiatrists) to collect data on the main nomenclatures used to prescribe seating devices. The inclusion criteria were: have experience in Seating prescriptions for at least 2 years. In the test of the first prototype participated another six rehabilitation professionals who analyzed the electronic system and suggested new changes.
The data found in the answers of the professionals were categorized into eight items: types of seat(cushion), types of backrest, types of trunk supports, types of head restraints, types of upper limb supports, lower limb supports, safety system and accessories (tables and brackets). In each category the most cited nomenclature was extracted.
A framework for the construction of the first prototype was developed. It was presented to six other rehabilitation professionals who were not part of the first stage, the results were analyzed and the suggestions were considered in the elaboration of the second prototype, which will be tested soon.
The integration of qualitative and quantitative analysis was used to extract as much detail as possible from the nomenclature used by the rehabilitation professionals in the seating prescription in Brazil. The analysis data, although not statistically valid, indicated a great variation in the nomenclature of the devices and little systematization in the seating prescription process.
The data analysis of the evaluation of the first prototype was only qualitative.
The results demonstrated the variety of nomenclature used by professionals (Table 1) The most equivalent terms were selected for the elaboration of the electronic system framework, called EasySeating. The suggestions of the analysis of the first prototype were considered for the elaboration of the second prototype that will be validated soon. The second prototype has eight windows for choosing the devices. Each prescription generates an image with text and metrics, the final product appears complete with the features that the user needs. The figure 1 exemplifies the options of the seat model, figure 2 the models of the Backrest, figure 3 the models of head restraints and figure 4 the models of Safety System (belts).
Seating Devices | Analysis quantitative |
1.Types of seat | 16 differents types |
2.Types of backrest | 12 differents types |
3.Types of trunk supports | 10 differents types |
4.Types of head restraints | 12 differents types |
5.Types of upper limb supports | 10 differents types |
6.Types of lower limb supports | 9 differents types |
7.Safety System (belts) | 9 differents types |
8.Accessories | 8 differents types |
The initial results of this research confirmed the existence of a lack of systematization in the process of seating prescriptions in Brazil, such as several names to rank the same device, which corroborates with WHO data on the difficulties wheelchair service in less resourced countries6.
The professionals interviewed reported difficulties in communicating with the technicians who make the seating, and the constant dissatisfaction in the final product delivered to the wheelchair user.
Some studies have already demonstrated the efficacy of telerehabilitation for Seating prescription in developed countries, with the use of the electronic system Remote Wheelchair Selection Advisor (RWSA) that works as support in the decision of rehabilitators, suppliers and patients7.
The EasySeating also has the potential to favor greater systematization and assertiveness for seating prescription in Brazil.
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