Yoshiyuki Takahashi1, Atsushi Matsubara2, Ayumu Isomura3, Kaoru Inoue4, Motoki Takagi5
1Toyo University, 2Foundation for Promoting Personal Mobility and Ecological Transportation, 3fukufukuplus corporation, 4Tokyo Metropolitan University, 5Teikyo University (Japan)


In this research, it is aimed to investigate the effectiveness of mobility combining PMV and public transportation. Demonstration experiments using park and ride system using sharing electric bikes, bicycles or cars were carried out by local government and motor company[1-3]. However, the authors consider it will be difficult to share the vehicle for older people because of their physical condition difference. Therefore, the authors propose that increasing convenience of mobility by carrying and riding own vehicle. In this paper, the result of a preliminary experiment using an electric mobility scooter wheelchair as a PMV and using with a public transportation system is reported.

Figure 4 shows the scenes in the experiment in Tsukuba Express Line and urban area. Pavement roads were flat and good to move by the scooter. This line started to operate in 2005. It was after the effectuation of barrier-free transportation law in Japan. Therefore, station facilities were accessible. However, gap between the train and platform is existing. The train is one-man operation and subject got stack in the train door once in the experiment. We expect that train driver did not confirm well on observation monitor. Even if the experiments were carried out during not crowded time, wide space was needed to turning and placing scooter in the train.


- PMV requires the performance to clear the gap to get on and off a train, pivot turning to change the direction.
- Facilities require flat surface and turnable space. Platform screen door and minimized gap between train and platform are desirable to ensure safety.
- Sharing a cabin space with a wheelchair and a baby buggy, and also saving a space by folding PMV in congestion situation are also considered.
- In case of one-man operation, the passenger get on rear door and get off front door for paying ticket fee because of distance based fare system is adopted. If zone pricing and proof of payment system is adopted, the passenger can get on and off any door. It means no need to move in the train and reduce the time for getting off.
In this study, preliminary experiments were carried out using electric mobility scooter with public transportation. As a result, it is confirmed that problems to be solved in order to use the PMV which we are proposing to cooperate with public transportation.REFERENCES
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[4] Luggie. http://www.luggie.jp/. 2017.