New Methodology to Evaluate the Consequences and Usefulness of Providing Accessibility Information
Rochelle Mendonca, M.S., OT, Roger O. Smith, Ph.D., OT
Rehabilitation Research Design and Disability (R2 D2 ) Center, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Milwaukee, WI, 53211
This paper reports on the development of a new methodology to evaluate the usefulness of accessibility information for individuals with disabilities. The methodology evaluates if consumers’ (individuals with disabilities) medical device purchase decisions are affected when they are provided with accessibility information. The accessibility information in this study is provided as quantitative accessibility scores, obtained from the MED-AUDIT (Medical Equipment Device-Accessibility and Universal Design Information Tool), which is a prototype measurement instrument, used to measure the accessibility of medical devices. This study involved the development of a web-based survey tool using a discrete choice modeling methodology. The survey is developed and preliminary data is being collected. The survey method for evaluating individuals with disabilities used in this study can be used to determine preferences of consumers in numerous other areas of accessibility and universal design.
Measurement, accessibility scores, MED-AUDIT, consequences, usefulness
This work is supported in part by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, grant numbers H133A010403 and H133E020729. The opinions contained in this paper are those of the grantee and do not necessarily reflect those of the NIDRR and U.S. Department of Education.
Author Contact Information:
Rochelle Mendonca, MS, OT, Rehabilitation Research Design and Disability (R2D2) Center, 2400 E. Hartford Ave., Enderis Hall, Room No. 135, Milwaukee, WI, 53211, Office Phone: (414)412-6803.