2014 Scientific Paper Competition Winners
- Freehand Three-Dimensional Ultrasound To Evaluate Dynamic Scapular Kinematics
- Luke Seppi, Lynn Worobey, Adam Popchak, Michael Boninger
- A New Manual Wheelchair Simulator With Haptic Biofeedback To Improve Propulsion Effectiveness
- Martine Blouin, Mathieu Lalumière, Dany Gagnon, Félix Chénier and Rachid Aissaoui
- The Relationship Between Lead Hand Positioning And Proper Wheelchair Transfer Techniques
- Krystal Pynn
, Chung-Ying Tsai, and Alicia M. Koontz
- Three-Dimensional Freehand Ultrasound To Measure Scapular Kinematics And Relationship To Shoulder Pain In Manual Wheelchair Users
- Ima Udofa, Lynn Worobey, Yen-Sheng Lin, Michael Boninger
- Ultrasonographic Changes Of The Median Nerve Indicative Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Are Related To Hand Placement During Transfers
- Nathan S. Hogaboom, Michelle L. Oyster, Alicia M. Koontz, Michael L. Boninger
Honorable Mentions
- Evaluating The Energy Expenditure Prediction Models For Manual Wheelchair Users With Spinal Cord Injuries
- KaLai Tsang, Shivayogi V. Hiremath, Dan Ding
- The Feasibility Of Using Kinect For Transfer Assessment
- John McCutcheon
, Seonhong Hwang
, Chung-Ying Tsai
, and Alicia M. Koontz
- Individualized Performance Quantification Of Power Wheelchair Driving
- Tim D Yang
, Ameya Patil
, Yih-Kuen Jan
- To What Extent Are Spatiotemporal And Handrim Kinetic Parameters Comparable Between Overground And Wheelchair Simulator Propulsions Among Long-Term Manual Wheelchair Users?
- Mathieu Lalumiere, Martine Blouin, Felix Chenier, Rachid Aissaoui, Dany H. Gagnon