Welcome to RESNA/NCART 2016
Welcome from the Conference Chair and RESNA's President
John Anschutz, ATP, RET
Shepherd Center
Atlanta, GA
Ray Grott, ATP, RET
RESNA President, 2014-2016
San Francisco State University
Richmond, CA
Welcome to RESNA/NCART 2016, in partnership with NRRTS. We are pleased that you chose to make this conference part of your professional development game plan. We are confident that you will find many opportunities to learn and to share your own knowledge and experience. We’ve worked hard to offer a top notch program that includes instructional courses, workshops, paper presentations, poster sessions, and stimulating plenary speakers. The exhibit hall will offer you hands-on experience with a variety of technologies. You will also find many formal and informal opportunities to network and make connections.
The theme of this year’s conference is “Promoting Access to Assistive Technology,” which is underscored by the opportunity to visit Capitol Hill to educate Congress about the critical role that assistive technology plays in advancing community living and improving the health and well-being of people with disabilities. At the same time, we could say that the unofficial theme is “Collaboration,” which is exemplified by this joint conference with NCART, in partnership with NRRTS, and applies to the nature of RESNA and our field.
RESNA is a membership-driven organization and there is ongoing collaboration between our volunteer leadership and our dedicated staff. This conference is a great example of collaboration among staff, committees, instructors, presenters, exhibitors, sponsors and, most importantly, you as an attendee. We look forward to your participation and engagement. Please ask the tough questions and offer your own perspectives on the issues. Challenge us with your suggestions. After all, that is what many of us do in our daily work as we collaborate with the people with disabilities who utilize our skills and services and work with others to promote access to assistive technologies. We are glad you are here to collaborate with RESNA, NCART and NRRTS, our expert presenters, exhibitors, sponsors and each other.
Ray Grott, President and John Anschutz, RESNA Conference Chair
Welcome from the Executive Directors
from left to right: D. Clayback, W. Walker, and M. Brogioli
This first-ever collaborative conference between our organizations will leverage proximity to the nation’s capital to engage policymakers, federal program administrators and assistive technology stakeholders. There has never been a more important time to rally around the theme of Promoting Access to Assistive Technology and advocating for AT devices, products and services. Indeed we have a great core mission: to promote technology solutions for people with disabilities.
Holding the conference in the Washington, DC area gives us a unique opportunity to meet with federal policymakers and Members of Congress. We look forward to a strong showing of advocates as we collectively visit Capitol Hill on Thursday. Our voices are more powerful when we work together.
We hope that you will take full advantage of all the educational, networking and advocacy opportunities being offered this week. Our special thanks goes to our sponsors and exhibitors; without their generous support this conference would not be possible. Please be sure to personally thank them when you visit the Exhibit Hall.
We believe that this conference will serve as a catalyst for more effective information sharing, collaboration and advocacy on assistive technology. Thanks for coming and we look forward to making it a great week.
Michael BrogioliExecutive Director
Don Clayback
Executive Director
Weesie Walker
Executive Director