Welcome to RESNA 2017
Welcome from the RESNA President

Thank you for choosing to participate in a very special event this year! Our conference chairs John Anschutz and Raj Pagadala along with our Local New Orleans chairs John Schweitzer and Frank Puckett have designed a stellar conference with extraordinary events!
RESNA 2017 in New Orleans is special for many reasons.
1) The assistive technology and rehabilitation engineering professions have knowledge base and mechanisms for quality instruction to monitor and denote quality educational programs. We are launching our Accreditation of Curricular programs this year with our first reviews of applications. RESNA’s CoA-RATE (Committee on Accreditation - Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Education) Board runs this.
2) We reinvented our Developers Forum into a Developers Showcase. This joins the Networking Reception for a more dynamic event.
3) SIGs (Special Interest Groups) and PSGs (Professional Specialty Groups) are instrumental to RESNA’s planning and discussions. Scheduled to increase attendance - Be RESNA.
4) Join us at the Colin McLaurin Distinguished Lecture as Dr. Clifford Brubaker presents a formal treatise on our past and ideas for the future our field of assistive technology and rehabilitation engineering.
Students, ATP certified professionals, industry members, and visitors from North America and beyond, welcome to RESNA 2017. You are a truly impressive group.
Join the festivities, planning meetings, and discussions. Participate and network – this is an excellent opportunity. Please come say hi to me in New Orleans. I’d like to welcome you personally!
Roger O. Smith, Ph.D., OT, FAOTA, RESNA Fellow
President, RESNA
Professor, Department of Occupational Science & Technology, College of Health Sciences
Director, Rehabilitation Research Design & Disability (R2D2) Center