RESNA > AT Standards > ISO Technical Advisory Groups

ISO U.S. Technical Advisory Groups (TAG)

The RESNA Assistive Technology Standards Board (ATSB) and Committees serve as the ANSI accredited U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to ISO/TC 173, ISO/TC 173/SC1 and ISO/TC 173/SC3. Particular ATS Committees typically serve as U.S. TAG Subgroups. For example, the RESNA Committee on Wheelchairs and Transportation serves as a U.S. TAG Subgroup for ISO/TC 173/SC 1/WG 6. 

If you would like to join our U.S. TAG to ISO/TC 173 or ISO/TC 173/SC1, please create a membership application.

ISO Related Activities 

ISO/TC 173 Assistive Products for Persons with Disabilities
ISO/TC 173 WG1 Assistive products for walking
ISO/TC 173 WG10 Assistive products for cognitive disabilities
ISO/TC 173 WG11 Assistive products for tissue integrity
ISO/TC 173 WG12 General requirements
ISO/TC 173 WG13 Hoists for transfer of persons
ISO/TC 173/SC 1 Wheelchairs
ISO/TC 173/SC 1/WG 1 Test methods
ISO/TC 173/SC 1/WG 6 Wheelchair restraint systems
ISO/TC 173/SC 1/WG 8 Stair traversing devices
ISO/TC 173/SC 1/WG 10 Requirements and test methods for electro-technical systems for wheelchairs
ISO/TC 173/SC 1/WG 11 Wheelchair seating

ISO/TC 173/SC 3 Aids for Ostomy and Incontinence

On July 3, 2024, RESNA was formally approved as the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to ISO TC 173/SC 3, Aids for ostomy and incontinence. 

This TAG currently does not have any mirror RESNA Standards Committees.

Participation will allow you and your organization to have a voice and vote as to how this group of standards are developed and modified now and in the future. Through this work, you have the opportunity to advance the development, management, and safety of ostomy and incontinence aids and, as a result, directly improve the lives of those who use these products.

If you are interested in joining this new TAG, please complete a membership application form.

Please contact with any questions. 
