RESNA > AT Standards > Wheelchairs and Transportation

Wheelchairs and Transportation

RESNA Standards Committee on Wheelchairs and Transportation (COWHAT)

Click here for a membership form to join this committee.
Click here for information about the WC-4 Standard developed and maintained by this committee.
Click here to order standards from this committee.
Click here to login to the committee workspace within RESNA Connect (COWHAT COMMITTEE MEMBERS ONLY)

The RESNA COWHAT creates standards to improve safety, accessibility, and usability for people who stay seated in their wheelchairs for travel. We are revising our Volume 4 standards and are looking for people to join our team. We especially need to hear from consumers, advocates, caregivers, transit providers, and clinicians to make sure our standards are highly effective.


The group meets quarterly. Our next meeting is Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025, from 11 am to 1 pm ET. Meetings are open to anyone; voting on documents requires membership. For more information on how to attend COWHAT meetings, please email