2006 RESNA Awards
Certificate of Appreciation
Recognizes a RESNA member or non-member for a special one-time activity benefiting either RESNA or the fields of rehabilitation or assistive technology

Alan Cantor, MA
For his efforts and contributions as SIG Chair

Carrie M. Bruce, MA, CCC-SLP, ATP
For her efforts and contributions as SIG-03 Chair (Augmentative & Alternative Communication)

Donna Case, PhD, OT
For her efforts and contributions as SIG-06 Chair (Special Education)

Stephen Bauer, PhD
For his efforts and contributions as SIG-07 Chair (Technology Transfer)

Michael Babinec, OTR/L, ABDA, ATP
For his efforts and contributions as SIG-09 Chair (Wheeled Mobility & Seating)

Robert Van Etten, ME, BSE, ATP
For his efforts and contributions as SIG-11 Chair (Computer Applications)

Gary Downey, PE, ATP, CPE
For his efforts and contributions as SIG-14 Chair (Job Accommodation and Ergonomics)

Mark Ravenscraft
For his efforts and contributions as SIG-21 Co-Chair (Telerehabilitation)

Shelley A. Santrach, BS, EE
For her efforts and contributions as SIG-21 Co-Chair (Telerehabilitation)

Mary (Francie) F. Baxter, PhD, OTR, ATP
For her efforts and contributions as PSG3 Chair (Occupational Therapists)

Katya Hill, PhD, CCC-SLP
For her efforts and contributions as PSG6 Chair (Speech Language Pathologists)

Kathleen Laurin, PhD, CRC
For her efforts and contributions as PSG7 Chair (Educators)

Michael J. Lawler, MS, ATP
For his efforts and contributions as PSG7 Chair (Educators)

Cathy Bodine, PhD, CCC-SLP
For her efforts and contributions as a RESNA Board Member

Ron Boninger
For his efforts and contributions as a RESNA Board Member

Rory A. Cooper, PhD
For his efforts and contributions as a RESNA Board Member, Nominating Committee Chair, and RESNA President

Jeffrey Jutai, PhD, C.Psych
For his efforts and contributions as a RESNA Board Member, Editor-in-Chief of Assistive Technology, AT Journal Board Committee Chair, and Publications Committee Chair

Michelle Lange, OTR, ABDA, ATP
For her efforts and contributions as a RESNA Board Member and RESNA Secretary

James A. Lenker, PhD, OTR/L, ATP
For his efforts and contributions as a RESNA Board Member, Long-Range Planning Committee Vice-Chair, and RESNA Member at Large

Thomas E. Stripling
For his efforts and contributions as a RESNA Board Member

David C. Wilkie, EBS, BFA, ATP
For his efforts and contributions as a RESNA Board Member, Finance Committee Chair, and RESNA Treasurer

Christine L. Appert, EdD, ATP
For her efforts and contributions as Professional Standards Board Chair

Peter Axelson, MSME, ATP, RET
For his efforts and contributions as Technical Standards Board Chair

Barbara Crane, PhD, PT, ATP
For her efforts and contributions as Conference and Meetings Committee Chair

Brian Fay, PhD
For his efforts and contributions as Membership Committee Chair

Shirley Fitzgerald, PhD
For her efforts and contributions as Research Committee Chair

Glenn Hedman, PE, ATP, RET
For his efforts and contributions as Awards Committee Chair, Ethics Committee Chair, Long-Range Planning Committee Chair, Bylaws Committee Chair, and President-Elect

David L. Jaffe, MS
For his efforts and contributions as Awards Committee Chair

Kay Ellen Koch, OTR/L, ATP
For her efforts and contributions as Education Committee Chair

Gregory McGrew, ME, ATP, RET
For his efforts and contributions as PSB Ex-Officio Representative

Marcia J. Scherer, PhD, MPH, FACRM
For her efforts and contributions as Consumer Affairs Committee Chair

Peter Axelson, MSME, ATP, RET
For the leadership, support, dedication, and passion of the RESNA Coding Initiative, a volunteer activity of 51 individuals from 26 companies
Distinguished Service Award
Recognizes RESNA members for their sustained contributions and service to the organization

Stephen Sprigle, PhD, PT
For his vision and efforts in creating and maintaining - for over a decade - the original RESNA listserv

Lawrence Pencak
For his service to RESNA as Executive Director since 2000
Rookie Award
Recognizes a new member who has made significant contributions, provided leadership, and made an impact to RESNA

Lisa K. Simone, PhD
For her many contributions to RESNA during the first two years of her membership

Jamie Arasz Prioli, BSc, ATP
For her many contributions to RESNA during the first three years of her membership
Mentor Award
Recognizes a RESNA member or group of members who have influenced, counseled, and nurtured others in the the fields of rehabilitation engineering or assistive technology

Stephen Sprigle, PhD, PT
For his impact as a mentor on a generation of engineers, clinicians, and researchers

Charles J. Robinson, ScD, PE
For his devoted mentoring of students and colleagues over the years
RESNA Fellow Award
Recognizes a member who has made long term and substantial contributions to the fields of rehabilitation or assistive technology as well as significant contributions to RESNA

William A. Peterson, MS
For a lifetime of work in many capacities in rehabilitation, his support of RESNA, and as a role model for people with disabilities

David F. Law, Jr.
For his inventiveness, hands-on clinical service approach, and many contributions to RESNA over the years
RESNA Awards by Years
2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005 - 2004 - 2003
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