The Development Board is the leadership body that supports the mission and future development of RESNA by raising funds and determining allocation of resources. The Development Board includes a Chair, RESNA’s Immediate Past President, Treasurer, and other individuals appointed by the Chair; at least three of these appointees must be RESNA Fellows. RESNA’s President and Executive Director serve as ex-officio members. The Development Board is currently chaired by Raj Pagadala.
The Development Board manages the Founder’s Fund which was established to enable RESNA to continue its leadership role in the field of rehabilitation engineering and assistive technology. Donations support leadership activities such as consensus-building meetings, scholarships and communicating RESNA’s mission; donations are not used to support the daily operations of RESNA
The Founders Fund will help RESNA address the challenges of attracting young people to the field and engaging and mentoring them as emerging leaders, and more effectively communicating the value of assistive technology and professionals in the field to serve the needs of people with disabilities and increase their ability to participate fully in society.
To make a donation, click here.
Raj Pagadala, RESNA Board and Dev Committee Chair
Dr. Roger Smith, RESNA Past-President. RESNA Fellow
Dr. Jim Lenker, RESNA Treasurer
Dr. Doug Hobson, RESNA Fellow
Dr. Mary Ellen Bunning, RESNA President, RESNA Fellow
Dr. Therese Willkomm, RESNA BOD, RESNA Fellow
Don Clayback, Executive Director - NCART
Kyle Walker, Director of Operations - CRT at Homelink/The VGM Group
Bala Sundar, CEO - Syapps
RESNA Office Liaison/ex officio committee member
Andrea Van Hook, Interim Executive Director