Letter from the President - December 2023

Hello everyone, As we wind down after another busy year to spend time with our family and friends over the holidays, I’d love to...

Member Spotlight: Sasha Portnova

This month we spoke with postdoctoral fellow at the University of Washington Sasha Portnova about her experiences and outlook in the...

Welcome New Members!

We welcome the following members who joined RESNA or renewed their membership between October 2 and December 1, 2023! ...

New Podcast on AT Research and Innovations Launches December 1

A new podcast about assistive technology research and innovation from an engineering perspective, “Gears of Progress,” will launch...

New RESNA AT Standards Opportunity - Call for Ostomy and Incontinence Stakeholders

The RESNA Assistive Technology Standards Board (ATSB) coordinates the development of voluntary consensus standards in the United States...

Member Spotlight: Kayden Gill

This month we spoke the RESNA 2023 Student Design Challenge winner and Masters student Kayden Gill about his experiences and outlook in the...

Letter from the President - October 2023

Hello RESNA members! Fall is here, and we’re entering the busiest time of the year for a lot of us. It’s during this time,...

Welcome New Members!

We welcome the following members who joined RESNA or renewed their membership between August 2 and October 1, 2023! ...

Letter from the President - August 2023

Hello! The RESNA Conference has come and gone for another year! From the welcome reception happy hour hosted by our PSG/SIGs to my last...

RESNA Announces 2024 Conference Decision

RESNA’s Board of Directors has decided to take a one-year break from holding an annual conference, and so will not be announcing 2024...


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