RESNA > About > Strategic Plan

RESNA Strategic Plan for 2020-2024 (Amended Version)

RESNA’s five-year strategic plan reflects our vision to be the leading source of knowledge and leadership in Rehabilitation Engineering (RE) and Assistive Technology (AT) in North America and around the world.

Our mission is to promote the health and well-being of people with disabilities, and those who are aging, through technology solutions.

Our priority goals for the next five years are:

Goal I:   Advance the professional and educational development of RESNA members, students, and others in the field.

To achieve this goal, RESNA will:

  1. Maintain and grow our certification programs, especially the current credentials offered
  2. Increase the quantity and quality of educational offerings

Goal II:  Increase RESNA’s value to members and potential members

To achieve this goal, RESNA will:

  1. Improve communications and customer service to members and prospective members with an emphasis on knowledge sharing