What does achieving the Assistive Technology Professional (ATP) credential mean? Why do it? We asked RESNA-certified ATPs why they are #ATPproud.
Essential in providing support
Rachel Kruzel
Augsburg University
Assistive Technology & Accommodations Specialist
Minneapolis, MN
With assistive technology becoming more essential in providing support to students in higher education, obtaining my ATP certification was the next step in providing quality AT to my students. Being one of a handful of professionals in the college setting with this credential has not only set myself apart, but it also elevates the office I work in, and the work I do with students. I am #ATPproud knowing that I am helping to lead the field of Assistive Technology in Higher Education and am surrounded by other motivated professionals who are doing the same.
Standing out from the crowd
Emma Smith, MScOT, ATP/SMS
Jump Start Occupational Therapy, Inc.
Vancouver, British Columbia
I was relatively new to the AT field. I wanted to make sure I had basic proficiency, and I wanted something that would set me apart. The ATP certification gave me the confidence to know I had achieved an internationally accepted standard in assistive technology provision, and had a good understanding of general AT knowledge. It also gave me the opportunity to show others what I had achieved, and provided me with a community of practice. I am #ATPproud to contribute to a community of my peers who are all working towards a common goal of independence for individuals with disabilities.
Giving my students a voice
Elizabeth Christensen, MA/CCC-SLP/L, ATP
Proviso Area for Exceptional Children
Maywood, IL
With life experience and continuing education, I’ve worked hard to achieve the level of assistive technology understanding that I have. The ATP certification shows that I have this advanced knowledge. I can reply with confidence when a parent asks if I’m qualified to evaluate their child. I can defend many of my professional decisions and back it up with global knowledge. As an ATP working in Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC), I am #ATPproud to give my students a voice and help families HEAR the thoughts of their loved ones
Continued Excellence
Antoinette Verdone, MSBME, ATP
Austin, TX
As a rehabilitation engineer, I work with adults of all disabilities. The ATP certification shows that I am part of an industry, and not just doing things on my own. It establishes a level of competence, and with the education requirement to maintain the certification, continued excellence in providing assistive technology. I am #ATPproud to use my technical skills to improve the lives of people with disabilities.
Connection to a Wider World
Daniel Cochrane, MA, MS, ATP
Assistive Technology Coordinator
Community Unit School District 200
Wheaton, IL
I pursued the ATP certification because having a broad-based knowledge of assistive technology across the lifespan was really relevant to the work I was doing in the K-12 setting. The ATP establishes my professionalism with parents and other staff members, and my dedication to the field because I have to keep up my certification through ongoing professional development. I am #ATPproud to have a connection to the wider world of assistive technology, not just to the AT practice in my own setting.
Opening Doors
Allison Shipp, PhD, ATP, CRC, CAPS
Director of Vocational Rehabilitation Services
STAR Center
The ATP certification has opened up so many doors in the field for me. I received notices about my last two jobs simply because I am an ATP. It has validated my credentials as an assistive technology professional. I am #ATPproud that it gives me clout as a knowledgeable practitioner in the field.
Meghan Donahue, MS, ATP
Rehabilitation Engineer
Stout Vocational Rehabilitation Institute
Menomonie, WI
I decided to become ATP certified because not only did all of my job opportunities require it, but I wanted to increase my reputation and caliber as a service provider. Being certified has improved the quality of my service delivery because I fully understand, comprehend, and proactively think about how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together, particularly those that aren't part of my specialty. I am #ATPproud to provide quality service to my clients.
Since the beginning
Michele Gunn, ATP, CRTS
Brownings Health Care
Orlando, FL
I sat on the charter exam at Medtrade in 1996 because I wanted to better myself and help advance our profession. Now being ATP-certified is a requirement of insurers for certain populations I work with. It has made me aware of the additional areas of assistive technology and how I can assist my clients or refer them to other qualified professionals. I am #ATPproud to have held this credential as long as it has been in existence.
Shining a light
Christine Schedin, BS, ATP
Clinical Support Manufacturer’s Rep, Self-Employed
Bowstring, MN
I decided to pursue ATP certification because it was required to work with most insurances for complex rehab clients. By doing so, I have increased my knowledge in all areas of assistive technology. Through the Standards of Practice and the Code of Ethics, the ATP certification shines a light on our profession and holds all of us accountable. I am #ATPproud to be a part of a helping profession that puts the clients first.