ATP Exam Outline

ATP Exam Outline

Effective January 1, 2023,  the Assistive Technology Professional (ATP) Examinations will based upon the the exam outline below.

“Assistive technology” may include—but is not limited to:

  • AAC (Augmentative and alternative communication)
  • Accessible transportation (public and private)
  • ADL (aids to daily living / activities of daily living)
  • Cognitive aids
  • Computer access
  • EADL (electronic aids to daily living)
  • Environmental aids
  • Learning and study aids
  • Recreation and leisure
  • Seating, positioning and mobility
  • Sensory (e.g. hearing, vision, physical) aids and accommodations
  • Vocational aids and accommodations

2022 Assistive Technology Job Task Domains

1. Assessment of Need – 29%

1.1. Review the referral to determine the focus of the assessment (e.g., identifying assessment team and prioritize assessment needs)

1.2. Review settings of anticipated use to assemble assessment team

1.3. Consult with client and other stakeholders as needed (e.g., caregivers, educational team, family, medical professionals - therapeutic, vocational, and workforce)

1.4. Review relevant records (e.g., medical record, functional evaluation report, psychosocial report, individualized education plan)

1.5. Plan the assessment to accommodate the client needs, learning style, impairments, environments, languages, and schedules

1.6. Collaborate as needed with other stakeholders to assess the client's current functional abilities, capacities, and limitations (e.g., physical, communicative, sensory, cognitive)

1.7. Assess environmental factors (e.g., behavioral, educational, personal assistance, physical, social, transportation, and support in the environments) pertaining to the use of the assistive technology

1.8. Assess the effectiveness of prior and existing assistive technology

1.9. Initiate requests for referrals/services/consultations, or make recommendations as needed

1.10. Gather and collate information from stakeholders (e.g., therapy assessments, physical assessments, physician's information, client's information, psychosocial assessments, educational assessments)

1.11. Assist the client, in collaboration with other stakeholders, in clarifying and prioritizing goals/needs/desired outcomes

1.12. Hypothesize use of specific assistive technologies to support functional capacities for future needs and anticipated transition

1.13. Present/explain pre-intervention assessment findings and demonstrate/explain potential interventions to the client and other stakeholders in an accessible and appropriate format

1.14. Facilitate the decision-making process to determine potential intervention strategies

2. Development of Intervention Strategies - Action Plan – 29%

2.1. Inform client and other stakeholders of their rights and responsibilities and applicable complaint processes

2.2. Define potential intervention products, services, and strategies

2.3. Identify adaptations or product(s) which match technology features given the client's functional abilities, capacities and limitations, as well as goals, desired outcomes, personal preferences, environmental factors, and applicable standards

2.4. Determine the appropriateness of off the shelf/commercially available, modified, and/or custom solutions

2.5. Compare technology being considered with client's current and/or previously used technology

2.6. Conduct demonstrations, trials, simulations, and basic training of devices/strategies with the client and  applicable stakeholders

2.7. Identify measurable objectives as appropriate and conduct subsequent analyses of data to select possible technology solutions

2.8. Identify issues of integration crossing all impacted environments in which the client interacts (e.g., community, home, school, social, workplace, vocational)

2.9. Seek and integrate client and stakeholders feedback following trial opportunity

2.10. Identify or assist in determining training, services, and support needs

2.11. Document relevant client and other stakeholder feedback and relevant data from trials to monitor progress toward achieving stated goals and desired outcomes

2.12. Assist clients and other stakeholders in making final selections by explaining the relevant aspects (advantages and disadvantages) of different technology solutions (e.g., reasonable useful life, cost effectiveness, availability of support, and financial implications)

2.13. Document recommendations (e.g., sources of technology, related services, training, implementation and trials, costs, and follow-up)

2.14. Identify and advise the client and other stakeholders of the procurement process

2.15. Submit recommendations for procurement of assistive technology solutions

3. Implementation of Intervention (Once Funded) – 23%

3.1. Review and confirm the implementation plan with client and other stakeholders

3.2. Initiate and monitor the procurement process

3.3. Prepare, assemble, and install the technology prior to delivery

3.4. Verify product for safety, function, performance, and quality prior to delivery

3.5. Fit and adjust the technology to client requirements at time of delivery

3.6. Train the client and other stakeholders in device operation, adjustment, care, maintenance, and the troubleshooting process, in an accessible manner, across all impacted environments in which the client interacts

3.7. Provide information on device warranty, scheduled maintenance, and follow-up needs

3.8. Provide or make recommendations regarding ongoing training and/or services to achieve goals and desired outcomes

3.9. Verify the client's ability to use equipment consistent with their goals and desired outcomes once training has been completed

3.10. Educate client and other stakeholders about changes (e.g., contextual, physical, medical, educational) which may necessitate follow-up, adjustments, or modifications

3.11. Document the implementation process and progress, and communicate to the client and other stakeholders

4. Evaluation of Intervention (Follow-up) – 19%

4.1. Document outcomes (both qualitative and quantitative) and communicate to the client and other stakeholders

4.2. Develop (or maintain) a plan to review achievement of client goals and desired outcomes

4.3. Identify changes in client functions, capacities, limitations, goals, desired outcomes, or equipment performance that may necessitate reassessment

4.4. Assess outcome and/or modify intervention strategy, as requested, or required, ensuring follow-up is in place to address changing client goals, desired outcomes and/or needs

5. Professional Conduct

Note: there is no assigned weight for this domain on the examination blueprint due holistic and integrated nature on the topic. Candidates should consider all other domains through the lens of Professional Conduct.


5.1. Maintain compliance to RESNA's Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice

5.2. Participate in opportunities to advance the field of assistive technology (e.g., mentoring/supervision, education, research, industry affairs, advocacy, policy, and legislation)

The exam questions are written to the job tasks listed above.  These job tasks are the result of a job analysis study that was conducted by a panel of subject matter experts and subsequently validated by practitioners.

ATP Job Knowledge

The job analysis study also yielded a list of 81 knowledges relevant to performing assistive technology provision work. Click here for the 2022 ATP Job Knowledge list.

Recognized Acronyms

The Recognized Acronyms list features common acronyms that are recognized in the field of assistive technology. Certification candidates are expected to be familiar with these acronyms, as they may appear in the exam. Click here to view the Recognized Acronyms list.
