RESNA’s Job Task Analysis (JTA) is the largest research project related to the body of knowledge for Assistive Technology. The results are used to verify and update the content of the Assistive Technology Professional (ATP) examination, initial certification, and renewal requirements.
As per certification best practices, RESNA conducts a Job Task Analysis every five years in partnership with our testing vendor. The JTA utilizes a multi-method approach incorporating numerous subject-matter experts (SMEs), an analysis of trends in the assistive technology (AT) profession, and a large-scale, statistically significant survey of the AT community.
The purpose of the JTA is to identify and validate the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to practice in assistive technology. The results of the JTA form the basis of the requirements for the ATP certification – including pre-requisite requirements, the examination, and recertification – as well as serving as the basis for any recommended changes to those requirements.
The JTA incorporated expert input throughout the process from both the Professional Standards Board (PSB) and well as ATP-certified subject-matter experts who served on the Job Task Analysis Panel. The board-based input from the AT community through the survey serves as a validation tool of the Panel’s work. A total of 360 responses were included in the final survey analysis.
Based upon the results of the 2022 JTA, RESNA has adopted updated Assistive Technology Job Task Domains and Knowledge Topics.
RESNA has also recognized the holistic and integrated nature of Ethics and Professional Conduct to the Assistive Technology Profession. The Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice need to be continuously considered when applying the Assistive Technology Job Task Domains and Knowledge Topics. As a result, Professional Conduct is the lens through which each of the Assistive Technology Job Task Domains is applied.
The 2022’s JTA review of the growth of the profession highlighted the importance of refining and/or adding key topics to the Assistive Technology Job Task Domains and Knowledge Topics as follows:
- Professional Conduct has been elevated from the Assistive Technology Job Task Domains to an overarching principle.
- Assessment of Need has been expanded to emphasize the importance of the holistic nature of information gathering for determining needs.
- The knowledge statement “Inform client and other stakeholders of their rights and responsibilities and applicable complaint processes” has been shifted from the Implementation of Intervention (Once Funded) Domain to Development of Intervention Strategies - Action Plan Domain.
- The preparation, assemble and installation of assistive technology has been split from the adjustment process of assistive technology in the domains to emphasize the significance of these tasks.
- Other items throughout the domains were clarified and reorganized to better mirror the assistive technology process in practice.

The 2022 JTA Findings determine the Assistive Technology Job Task Domains that form the blueprint for the ATP Certification Examination – what content will be covered and how that content is weighted – as well as determine acceptable topics for continuing education for ATP certification renewal. RESNA will work with all ATP certificants and applicants for certification to implement the JTA Findings per the following timeline:
- The 2017 Job Task Domains will be tested as per the blueprint through December 2022. The 2022 Job Task Domains will first be tested as per the blueprint starting in January 2023.
- The 2022 Assistive Technology Job Task Domains and Knowledge Topics will be used to review and accept CEUs starting with applications submitted in January 2023.