RESNA has developed a media toolkit and materials to help you promote your certification to consumers, colleagues, and referral sources. For more ideas, read this article by RESNA's Communications and Marketing Manager.
PURPOSE: The purpose of the RESNA Certification Toolkit is to provide current certificate holders with tools, templates and tips they can use to promote their ATP Certification.
*Press release (.doc):
*Sending a credible press release
*Media relations helpful hints
*What to do with your RESNA certification press release
*Press release template
*Certification Q & A (.doc)
* RESNA Certification Logo use (.doc)
Download toolkit
ATP Logo

Please read the Terms of Use below and click "I Accept" to download the official ATP certification mark and logo (the "Logo") of the Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology Society of North America (“RESNA”). By downloading the Logo, or otherwise using the same upon certification, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions:
"The Logo is the property of RESNA. You may not use the Logo for any purpose without the prior express written consent of RESNA. RESNA hereby grants a limited, revocable license to ATP certified individuals to use the Logo solely for the purposes outlined in the RESNA Certification Toolkit, namely placement on the individual's business cards, website, and letterhead while you are in good standing. You may not modify the Logo or allow third-parties to use the Logo, unless permitted in advance in writing by RESNA. You must immediately and permanently stop and refrain from any and all use of the RESNA Mark upon notice from RESNA. Except as expressly provided above, nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring by implication, or otherwise any license or right under any patent, trademark, copyright or other proprietary right of RESNA, its affiliates or any third party."
I Accept
Powerpoint Slides
These certification powerpoint slides may be used in a presentation promoting your work as an ATP or an ATP/SMS. You may use all of the slides, or pick the ones that best fit your presentation.
Download slides