K-12 Practice

K-12 Practice

Mission Statement

The mission of the SIG for K-12 PRACTICE is to facilitate the promotion and improvement of assistive technology practice in the primary and secondary schools setting. It is a trans-disciplinary group for RESNA members who provide and support AT services in schools or provide AT services to school-aged children and young people in other ways. A significant body of work focused on AT practice in schools already exists (e.g. Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology) yet more work remains to be done, especially at the local level, to improve access to quality AT services within the school setting.

Our Members

The members of our SIG work to improve the lives of those with disabilities in the K-12 setting and improve the practice of those who work in the K-12 setting through improved access to AT services. Our mission is to share information, research findings, resources and best practices with RESNA members and other professionals who share our interests. We recognize the importance of collaborating with other groups and stakeholders who have similar objectives. interacting with other SIGs; liasing with groups that have similar objectives; involving assistive technology users; and supporting all assistive technology practitioners and stakeholders.

We'd love to hear from you! For more information about the SIG, membership or the website, please contact us.

Check out our new Position Paper

This SIG is currently seeking a chair! Are you interested?  Submit a volunteer interest form and staff will get back to you. 

Volunteer Form


Karen Dishman OT, ATP

Email: otlovesat@gmail.com
