Maker SIG

Maker SIG

The purpose of this SIG is three fold:

- To be a "one stop shop" for makers/AT resources

- To be a connecting place for Maker and AT professionals

- To find ways to get maker level products produced in a way that they can safely be put in the hands of AT users - hoping this could be a way to get Makers to join the AT industry

Click here if you are interested in becoming a member of the RESNA Maker Special Interest Group.

Click here to access a presention introducing the need for the Maker Special Interest Group

Watch a video to learn more about the purpose of this Special Interest Group

Click here to access a recording of the initial meeting held on Tuesday, May 21st 


Chair: Antoinette Verdone MSBME, ATP, RET

Co-Chair: Gabrielle Kowalski, OTD, OTR/L

Co-Chair: Christina Maragioglio-Esposito, ATP
