RESNA offers assistive technology professionals continuing education courses, webinars and other opportunities for learning. We strive to offer continuing education in seating and mobility, AAC, computer access, special education, AT fundamentals, and job accommodations. RESNA members receive a discount on registration fees.
- Webinars and Tech Tuesdays: RESNA is pleased to offer year-round educational opportunities to earn CEUs and Contact Hours that may be applied towards your ATP certification. Free for RESNA members, explore the upcoming webinars and Tech Tuesday events.
- Courses: In-person, instructional courses offered throughout the year in different locations across the United States and Canada. Current courses include Fundamentals in Assistive Technology
- Quizzes: RESNA offers a variety of quizzes based on selected articles in each issue of Assistive Technology Journal.
- Conference: RESNA's conference provides multiple opportunities for continuing education, with three days of workshops, pre-conference instructional courses, and more.
CEUs (Continued Education Units) is a measure used in continuing education programs to assist the professional to maintain their license in.
Accepted CEUs
- CEUS will be accepted by RESNA provided the course material is related to provision of assistive technology to persons with disabilities and the CEUs are awarded from a recognized CEU provider. Examples include: International Accreditors of Continuing Education and Training (IACET) "accredited" organizations (like ATIA, NRRTS), professional associations (e.g. RESNA, APTA, ASHA, AOTA), an academic institution (e.g. University of Pittsburgh), or a state licensing board (which previews a course for CEU approval).
- All accepted CEUs must be obtained within the 2 year renewal process. Any CEUs that are more than 2 years old will not be accepted.
- The certificate of attendance must list the attendee's name, the name of the course, the dates of the course, and the speaker/sponsor signature.
- The certificate must also indicate the number of CEUs earned; otherwise the course will be counted as contact hours instead of CEUs
- On certificates, CEUs will be 0.1 hours which is equal to 1 hour of CEU.
- Completing AT-related conferences, seminars, webinars
- First-time presentation of an AT-related conference, seminar, or webinar
- Product in-services meeting documentation requirements (up to 3 hours per year)
Topics may include:
- Evaluation and assessment procedures for AT
- In-depth AT product training
- Diagnoses and treatment as they relate to AT
- Public policy/legislation related to AT
- AT reimbursement and funding
- Clinical practice related to AT
- AT-related research
- Professional ethics
- Coursework or credits that are NOT AT-related
- Undocumented product in-services (without signatures, date, time spent)
- Volunteer or paid services on AT-related boards, committees, special interest groups, etc.
- Editorials, publications in lay newsletters, professional/consumer magazines, and other non peer-reviewed materials
- Time spent on peer review of AT-related grants, manuscripts, conference submissions
- Product training or demonstration without full documentation of date, time, topic, presenter

RESNA has been approved as an Authorized Provider by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET), 21670 Ridgetop Circle, Suite 170, Sterling, VA 20166: (703) 506-3275
In obtaining this accreditation, RESNA has demonstrated compliance with the ANSI/IACET Standard which is recognized internationally as a standard of good practice. As a result of its Authorized Provider status, RESNA is authorized to offer IACET Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for its programs that qualify under the ANSI/IACET Standard.
RESNA awards IACET CEUs for its "Fundamentals in Assistive Technology" course and for select webinars. (These webinars will include a notation about IACET CEU status on their registration pages.) RESNA CEUs are awarded for other continuing education activities.
For more information about CEUs, please read RESNA's Continuing Education Policies.
If your organization offers training, education, webinars, conferences or any other form of professional development activities within the AT space, and you wish to be able to award your attendees with RESNA CEU's, please contact
New courses and webinars are continuously scheduled throughout the year. RESNA members and certified professionals receive regular notices when new offerings are scheduled. If you are not a RESNA member or a certified professional and would like to receive these notices, follow this link to subscribe to Newsbriefs, RESNA's free weekly e-newsletter.