Student Design Challenge
- Accidental Decannulation Detection
- Sennett Yang, Kyle Nicholson, Jesse Shen
- Allonstride: An Exoskeleton For Stroke Patients' Rehabilitation
- Aquatin Hydrostander: A Novel Device for Pediatric Aquatic Physical Therapy
- Kevin Ling, Brenda Burke, Jonathan Ptak, Juan Ayala, Daniela Valero, Mark Maynes, Leena Pramanik, Cooper Rickerson, Eric Fuller, Walter Murfee, Sarah Rowlinson
- C.O.D.E. Green
- Delaney Batik, Catherine Colpoys, Emma Naegler, Olivia Shope
- Eye Blink to Speech AAC Device Using a Low Cost Consumer EEG Headset
- Handwriting Assistive Device: Helping People Living With Motion Disorders Learn To Write And Draw
- Thierry Villeneuve, Gabrielle Lemire, Véronique Flamand, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, Marie-Hélène Demers, Marie-Philippe Paquet
- Novel One-Arm-Drive Mobile Stander For Pediatric Patients With Hemiplegia
- Danielle Vaithilingam

, Ivan Vuong
, Robert Huang
, Jackelyn Navar
, Yurie Hong
, Nyeli Kratz
, Rachel Li
, Ashley Koenig
, Stacy Suskauer
, Christopher Joseph
, Shababa Matin
- Prosthetic Energy Return Knee - PERK
- Benjamin Tham, Andrew Spencer, Ali Hawkins, Thai Quach, Ben Coe
- A Seating System to Provide Segmental Postural Control for Children
- Kimberly Pocwierz, Nicholas Dana, Hassan Hejji, Andrea Kwaczala
- SpanAbility Design Brief
- Helena Hurbon, Kayleigh Topel, Minkyung Kim, William Park, Ricky Illindala